Tuesday, March 30, 2010

studio studio where could you be?

so i went and looked at a studio this morning and it was so nice and cute a perfect, but no bathroom mirror? what is that? plus they are asking for 815 a month plus utilities. which is way out of my price rang. so i have two more places i am looking at tomorrow. that are way cheaper and i hope are way nicer and they dint turn me down for having no credit at all. i guess we will just have to see. so if anyone hears anything opening up in the golden/ bankers hill or north park area please let me know.

i leave for Vegas Thursday morning and tonight i pick up my friend Alex from the airport. he's never been to San Diego before so i wanna show him around and have a good time while he is here. so maybe we shall go to my favorite hole, Livewire and to some tattoo shops so he can see how the good life really lives. haha.

my blood sugar has been on point for the last week and that makes me feel a lot better about leaving home for a few days. i was very nervous how it would pan out now that i am on insulin all the time. i have figured out how much i can eat to my insulin ratio and also how much i can drink. so yessss, poolside cocktails PLEASE!

i am planning a few trips this year and my major one is Canada in July. Wren (www.thewhitetrashprincess.blogspot.com) and i were planning a two week modeling road trip around the western coast of the US but no, she has to return to Canada because of health issues. so i have decided that i will go to Canada and visit her for those two weeks we were going to be gone together. I'm pretty excited about it. because i totally love that lady and i have never been to Canada. so a passport is needed and major saving is going to commence right after i get back from Vegas.

all in all I've got big plans for the rest of this year and I'm very excited to be single and doing everything on my own.

p.s. come get tattooed by me at Flesh Skin Grafix! 619-424-8983

Monday, March 29, 2010

Vegas, Baby, Vegas...With a Syringe

I'm really excited about finally being able to leave San Diego for a few days and get out to see my mom. it's going to be a fun trip but also a very emotional one. I'm going to make amends with my bio dad. He's been out of my life for about 8 years now and its time to get rid of all these stupid feelings and daddy issues. I'm nervous yet happy that I'm finally deciding to do it. after my last relationship i have realized that there is allot going on inside me that needs a lil special attention. i have changed so much since then (just about 5 months) and i feel like a better person for it. never be in love with someone who doesn't love you for exactly what you are. no bullshit.

i also found out that i am type 1 diabetic and am now insulin dependent. i never thought anything like this could ever happen to me. but there you go, turned 26 and then found out i have Juvenal diabetes. i am getting the hang of it and now feel alot better. there isn't much i have to change about my diet except for my love of cookies, ice cream and BREAD! i love bread, i don't know what i would ever do with out it. so now, i have to be very careful and watch how much i eat of all the things that i love and that are so very bad for me. i also have to switch up the sites that i use to inject the insulin, i got a pretty awesome bruises on my tummy. which totally bums me out but oh well, times are a chancing and well, I'm rolling with it.

on a more happier note, but also sad, 2 amazing Friends of mine, Ross and Vanessa, have left San Diego on a bike road trip across the US into New York, they will be missed but how fucking awesome is that!? true adventures for sure. you can follow their progress at www.nobaddaysfordays.blogspot.com and www.weareallsosmall.blogspot.com.

so i'll be posting pictures and such. tattoos and happenings in my crazy awesome life. so stay tuned or dont. you can also follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/drewlinden