Tuesday, April 6, 2010

so glad to be home....but where is that exactly?

Vegas was one of the best ideas i have ever had. i had the best time. and it was really needed. I couldn't be happier with the Friends that i made there and the awesome photos they took. liquor, jumping, cheers, dancing, double down, dive bar, swimming, some amazing french fries and Mayo. i think i have figured out this weekend that the only one who could ever complete me is someone who loves mayo just as much as i do. LOL. but honestly, its a big deal.

i played blackjack for my first time until 6 in the morning and i didn't win but it didn't matter because my teamster and i were having the time of our lives. i wish it didn't have t end but i am glad to be back in san diego, though i really wish i was somewhere else. I'm very sick of being in San Diego. i need a change for about a year or more. and especially if these earthquakes are going to continue to happen. I'm getting on a plane and going straight to Europe or AUS. don't know which one yet.

i got to See my family and talk with my Bio-Dad after ten years. it went really well, and surprisingly i didn't cry. but when i wanted to cry was when i got to my grand parents house and saw how bad my grandfather was doing. bed ridden but still with a smile on his face. my grandmother on the other hand is bat fucking crazy and evil as hell. she didn't even look like herself. very sad.

so all in all, it was a good time. I may be sick right now but it was worth it. and i have some serious planning to do.


  1. I love mayonnaise, may be as much as you do. So I can be your love?!?!

  2. you are always my love. <3 always
